Ace Combat 7 and Overwatch 2

Today is Wednesday, but I was off work for a paid vacation. So I played some PS4 games during the day.
• Ace Combat 7, "stacked game" for me
Ace Combat 7 is the PS4 software I bought. I bought it last year (2023) in June.
Ace Combat 7 is an interesting game, but it was difficult for me and I got stuck. I think I tried Mission 06, "Long Day," at least 5 times. However, I couldn't complete it because I ran out of time. Therefore, the game had become a "stacked game". I have been playing only "Overwatch 2" recently.
• Consider resuming Ace Combat 7
Today around 12:30 pm, I decided to play Overwatch 2. Tried to join a quick match but after waiting about a minute I could not find another player.
It is a weekday at noon, so there are probably not many people playing.
• Resume with Easy
In Ace Combat 7, it seems that if you want to change the difficulty level, you have to start over from the beginning. Therefore, I had to start over from mission 1.
This time, I chose Easy as the difficulty level.
Figure1. This time I chose Easy
I only played one mission
I have played only the first mission. I have the North American version of Ace Combat 7, which does not have Japanese subtitles. However, I have selected Japanese for the audio, so I can understand most of the story.
• At 1 p.m., Overwatch 2 resumed
I had completed the first mission of Ace Combat 7, so now I played Overwatch 2. It was 1:00 in the afternoon and this time I was able to match right away.
Figure2. Overwatch 2 screen
• Conclusion
I have restarted Ace Combat 7 with the difficulty set to Easy. There is no need to rush, so I will continue to play the game while enjoying the story.
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エースコンバット7は面白いゲームですが、意外に難しくて、行き詰ってしまいました。Mission 06の「Long Day」というミッションは、5回以上挑戦したと思います。しかし、時間切れになってしまってクリアできませんでした。そのため、「積みゲー」になってしまっていました。僕は、最近では、「オーバーウォッチ2」ばかりやっています。
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